February 27

What’s the Right Way to Idle Away Your Time to Rest


Everyone understands the word “idle” differently. For some, it means doing literally nothing, not lifting a finger. For others, idleness is everything that isn’t related be it gambling at BetLabel or even watching a nonfiction book. The truth, as usual, is somewhere in the middle. So, let’s find out how to idle properly.

Vacation and Idleness: Where Is the Boundary?

Rest is a way to restore physical and emotional energy. In most cases, it’s a conscious and purposeful activity, that is, a person:

  • Realizes that he or she is tired and needs to rest.
  • Reflects on the options.
  • Chooses the one with enough remaining energy.
  • Performs actions necessary to organize rest, for example, buys a movie ticket.
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In theory, rest can be active and passive. In practice, scientists are lining up to prove that active recreation recovers better than passive (except in cases of depression and physical exhaustion). It’s no wonder that when the word “rest” comes to mind, the first things that come to mind are walking in the fresh air, reading books, meditation, sports, and seeing friends.


Idleness is about passivity, lack of concrete and conscious actions, a clear goal. All that you do “idling,” in your system of coordinates isn’t a useful occupation, doesn’t bring you income or other benefits.


And yet idleness can be useful! Short-term idleness:

  • Helps cope with severe fatigue after intensive labor. It doesn’t matter whether it’s physical or intellectual.
  • Relieves psychological tension. If you briefly allow yourself to “let go” of worries, problems, and responsibilities.
  • Replenishes energy to the minimum level necessary for active rest.
  • Allows you to restore emotional closeness with your children, relatives, partner, or spouse. If you idle together, i.e. if you briefly become “accomplices” in a socially disapproved activity.
  • Promotes creative thinking, as it gives your brain a break, putting the world on pause.
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How to Idle Incorrectly: Harmful Tips

“Turning on” the Feeling of Guilt

All people are like people, and you are a slacker. Everyone goes out, has fun, and enjoys the weekends, and you lie like a seal. Everyone publicly or secretly sets goals for the year, and you are finally slacking and staying in your position.

Forgetting About Limits and Plans

Slack off as much as you have the energy for. Don’t get out of bed for hours, even to wash your face and make yourself a sandwich. The longer you lie there, the less energy you have to get up. Goal achieved!

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Moving Less

Long live courier delivery and the cooler bag! With minimal preparation or outside help, you can limit yourself to two or three trips to the restroom in a day.

Ignoring the People Around You

Let them take offense! Live by the slogan “Let the whole world wait.” In that commercial, however, they forgot to write a sequel about the fact that the world may not wait: children will dive into computer games, your spouse will go shopping with girlfriends, and friends will stop calling, because you don’t pick up the phone anyway.

Losing Yourself in Social Media

Finally there is time for memes with kitties, comments, watching 50 identical broadcasts of a popular lifestyle blogger! A week will pass unnoticed. But only your loved ones will have a rest from you. You will get tired of flashing pictures, deliberately ideal life, subconscious comparisons and self-examination.

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Prohibiting the Use

What kind of idleness is it if someone gets it into their head to praise you for it? No sketches and collages, beadwork, and interesting reading. Even learning your unnecessary Catalan language and watching funny educational videos about wildlife are banned.

Using Idleness as a Shield Against Problems

You’ll think about everything tomorrow. And then remember the popular meme “Never do tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.” Problems, urgent and unpleasant tasks, questions to which you do not yet have answers, will wait for their hour or crisis. Today, you are idling, and you have the right to do so.

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How to Idle Properly

Recognize That You Need It

No matter what your mother, grandmother, or science teacher said as a child, you aren’t lazy. Laziness is an evolutionary mechanism that helps you, on the one hand, not to do unnecessary things and, on the other hand, to do the necessary things more efficiently. If you’re a generally hardworking and

Set a Deadline

Give yourself official permission to do nothing for a few hours from one to seven or eight. Start with a short interval, though. If it isn’t enough, you will feel it and extend the “reservation.”

Make an Agreement With Your Loved Ones

Warn them that you plan to slack off, but it won’t be for long and won’t harm the family’s leisure time. Designate a time frame for the slacking. Invite your loved ones to join you or to do their own things, not necessarily useful.

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